Skate Your Butt Off - A
Guide to Skating Hills-The
key for inline skaters to climbing a hill is to keep
a comfortable pace on the way up. Burning out
half the way up is not the goal, and neither is
going too slowly because you are wasting energy.
Stretch out your stride, and transfer every
available unit of energy to each stroke, and aim for
the top of the hill. |
OK, Something is not right
here, my feet hurt when I skate!-I hear it a lot, "My feet hurt when I skate" or skaters experience cramping
in their arches. Not every skate will fit a persons foot exactly, because everybody's feet are a little different. When your
feet hurt, you don't want to skate but there are some things you can
do to help alleviate foot pain, blisters or cramping. |
When Should I
Replace My Helmet?-Inline
Skaters need to check their skate helmets every so often and ask yourself,
"Is it time to replace this helmet?" Well, that depends. |
Stretches and
Warm Ups for Inline Skating -Part
of learning to skate is learning to master your
edges, and your weight distribution on your skates.
The following exercises are designed to help you
become aware of your edges, and learn to control
them. Doing
warm-ups on a regular basis will help your skating
skills and build your confidence on your skates. |
Socks, Blisters
and Skates, Oh My! -
Avoid Blisters by
selecting the right socks, they should fit your
foot, and not be too skin tight or too baggy.
Also choose a soft wicking material without cotton
in them or choose a fiber blend. |